Genealogy of Joseph Peck and Some Related Families

Built-in earlier in Beccles, Suffolk, England map

Ancestors ancestors

Husband of Rebecca (Clark) Peck — married 21 May 1617 (to 4 Oct 1637) in Hingham, Norfolk, Englandmap

Descendants descendants

Died in Rehoboth, Bristol County, Plymouth Colony map

Profile last modified | Created thirteen Sep 2010 | Last significant change: 2 Feb 2022

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  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Marriages and Children
    • i.ii Death
  • two Sources
  • 3 Acknowledgments


Joseph Peck is known as the immigrant antecedent of a major portion of the Pecks in the Us, at least those known as the Massachusetts Pecks.

Joseph Peck was baptised in Beccles, Suffolk County, England, on 30 April 1587. He was a son of Robert Peck a descendant in the 21st generation from John Peck, of Belton, Yorkshire, England. [1]

In 1638 he and other Puritans, with his brother, Rev. Robert Peck, their pastor, fled from the persecutions of their church to America. They left Hingham, canton Norfolk, England, and traveled to New England in the transport Diligent, of Ipswich, John Martin, main, arriving in 1638. The records of Hingham, Mass., state: 'Mr. Joseph Peck and his married woman, with three sons and a girl and two men servants and iii maid servants, came from Erstwhile Hingham and settled in New Hingham.' [ane] He was recorded as freeman at Hingham on xiii Jan 1638/9.[two] He was granted a house lot of seven acres (on Bachelor (Main) St. The location of this lot was in the vicinity of what is now the junction of Main and Water Sts.) bordering that of his blood brother.

Joseph Peck remained at Hingham seven years where he was deputy to the General Court in 1639. He took an agile office in boondocks affairs; was selectman, justice of the peace, assessor, etc.

In 1643, he then followed Reverend Samuel Newman as one of the original purchasers of the Indians of that tract of land called Seekonk, afterwards the boondocks of Rehoboth, including the present towns of Rehoboth, Mass., and Seekonk and Pawtucket, R. I. His property was in the North portion of the Rehoboth, Plymouth Colony "Ring of the Dark-green" in what is present day Rumford, RI.[three]

Rehoboth Ring of the Green Map

He removed, 1645, to his new abode. An incident of the trip is plant in the town records of Rehoboth. 'Mr. Joseph Peck and three others at Hingham, being well-nigh to remove to Seaconk, riding thither they sheltered themselves and their horses in an Indian wigwam, which by some occasion took fire, and, although in that location were four in it and labored to their utmost, burnt 3 of their horses to death, and all their goods, to the value of 50 pounds.' He was appointed to assist in matters of controversy at court, and in 1650 was authorized to perform marriages. He was second on the tax list. In some instances country granted to him is nevertheless owned past his descendants. His house was upon the plain in the northerly office of the 'Band of the Town', almost the junction of the present Pawtucket with the one-time Boston and Bristol route, not far from the Boston and Providence railroad station. The Hobart Journal recorded his death at Rehoboth on December 23, 1663.[4] His sons united in the amplification of the written volition which was made on his death bed, and the court accustomed information technology as a part of the volition. [i]

He married (first) Rebecca Clark, of Hingham, England, May 21, 1617 at St. Andrew Parish, Hingham.[5] [6] Rebecca died and was buried at St Andrew, Hingham, on October 24, 1637.[7] [i] The proper noun of his second wife is not known. Joseph refers to Thomas Cooper as "blood brother" in his will. Ane theory is that his 2nd married woman was a sister of Thomas, although there are other means to interpret the use of blood brother in this context].[8]

Marriages and Children

Married: 1st - Rebecca Clark, of Hingham, England, May 21, 1617 at St. Andrew Parish, Hingham.[9] She died 24 October 1637.
Married: 2nd - The name of his 2d wife is unknown.
Joseph Peck had eleven known children; the first five with first wife Rebecca and the remaining children with the second wife:
  1. Ann Peck, baptized Mar 12 1617/eighteen in Hingham, England, buried Jul 27 1636 [ten]
  2. Rebecca (Peck) Hobart, baptized at St. Andrew parish, Hingham, Norfolk, England on 25 May 1620. [11] [12], married a Hubbert / Hobart
  3. Joseph Peck, baptized in Hingham, England Aug 23 1623 (1623-1708) [10] [thirteen]
  4. John Peck (1626 - 1713)[10] [14]
  5. Nicholas Peck, baptized in Hingham, England Apr ix 1630 (1630 - 1710) [ten] [15]
  6. State of israel Peck (1638/ix - bef. 1644) [ten]
  7. Samuel Peck, baptized at Hingham, New England, February three 1638/9 (1639-bef 1646) [10] [xvi]
  8. Nathaniel Peck, baptized at Hingham, New England, Oct 31 1641 (1641 - 1676) [10] [17]
  9. Samuel bpt July 19 1646.[eighteen] [19]
  10. Israel Peck (1644 - 1723), baptized Mar 4 1644 [10] [20]
  11. Hannah bpt July 19 1646[18] [19]
Simon Peck, born in England, is listed as a child of Joseph in the History of Hingham, Massachusetts.[nineteen] He was non mentioned in Joseph'due south will, nor was a baptism found for him in England.[21] He is not mentioned in Descendants of Joseph Peck. [1]


Died: The Hobart Journal recorded his death at Rehoboth on December 23, 1663.[22]
His volition divided a large holding among his children, Joseph, John, Nicholas, Samuel, Nathaniel and Israel and dau. Hubbert. "I do ordain my son Nicholas and my son Samuel the executors of this my last will, desiring the Lord to guide theire hartes to practise all according unto my intent heer sett downward." His six sons signed an agreement for distribution of the estate according to the will equally amplified by their father upon his death bed, but not expressed in the writing, with Stephen Paine, Thomas Cooper and John Reed as witnesses.
The following is a copy of his will:
Know all men by these presents that I joseph Peck Senr of Rehoboth do ordain and make this my final will and testament in style and form post-obit
Detail--I give and bestow unto my son joseph all my lands and medows lying and being most unto the River chosen Palmers River to him and his heirs forever.
Item--I give unto him my quondam black mare and my great chist in the parlor.
Item--I requite unto my son john my firm and lands which I purchased of joseph Torry and the one-half of the meddow betwixt Mr Newman and mee on the other side of the new meddow river to him and his heirs forever Also I give unto him my great chist in the hall. Item--I requite and bestow unto my son Nicholas all my meddow at the hundred acres and the meddow called bushey meddow and all my medows on the north side of the town to him and his heirs forever.
Particular--I give and bestow unto my son Samuell my firm where I now dwell with all the houses standing at that place The outyards and all my house lott and all my land in the 2d Division and my Plaine lotts excepting half my furthest which I give unto my son Nicholas; and likewise I give unto him my meddow called cheesbrooks meddow and likewise my salt marsh att wide cove To him and his heirs forever.
Particular--I give unto my sonns Nathaniel and State of israel all my lands which I purchased of John Adams and Mr. Bradford with the meddow called the long embankment which is betwixt Mr Newman and mee, and all my meddow at Squamquammett which is betwixt John Allin and mee; and olso my meddow at Papasquash between John Allen and mee to them and their heirs forever.
Item--I requite my apply of the meddow att Kekemuett unto John Pecke my son and also all my lands att Wackemauquate I give unto my sonnes Joseph and Nicholas to be equally devided betwixt them.
Particular--I give and bestow unto my Daughter Hubbert xxx pounds in such pay equally tin be raised out of the goods I shall leave to be paid past my Executors within one year after my decease and likewise I give unto her my wifes best cloak and i fine Pillowbeer and my Damask Napkin.
Item--I requite unto my son Samuell my silverish chalice and two argent spoons and one gould Ringe which was his mothers and also one paire of fine kingdom of the netherlands Sheets and one Diaper Tablecloth and six Diaper Napkins 2 fine pillow beares and the feather bed and eternalize and pillow and two Blanketts whereon I now lye my second Rugg with some other small linnene in my Trunk in the parlor which I also requite unto him and the other chist nether the window in the parlor and my best curtains and curtain rodds.
Detail--I give unto my son Nathaniel my biggest silver cupp and gould Ringe two argent spoons my best feather bed ane eternalize two Blanketts the Rugg that now lyeth upon mee my trunk in the parlour chamber my round table three Diapir napkins one long table fabric betwixt Israell and him.
Item--I requite unto Israell my son my silverish salt two silverish spoons my two bed teckes with the bolesters the old flocke bed two blanketts my best coverlid one bolster ane pillow 2 pillowbears likewise unto Nathaniel one pillow two pillowbears.
Item--I give unto Israell x of my best ewes and my sorrelled mare two of my best cowes and my bull and my segg and 3 Diaper napkins Particular--I give unto my son Joseph five ewes and to my son Samuel my two oxen called Bucke and Knuckles and ii cowes my cart and one of my little Plowes one chain with the copses for the cart and I give unto Nathaniel two steeres and ii cowes.
Item--I give unto my son Nicholas the plumage bed which he hath alreaddy and my all-time Rugg and unto my son John I requite the feather bed and bolster which he alreaddy hath and 40s to buy him a rugg and to Israell I requite the two little chists in the sleeping room and his mothers niggling trunke and unto my son Samuel I give my Bedstead in the parlour chamber.
Item--I give unto my son Joseph my gould Ringo and unto John and Nicholas my two silver vino cupps--My mind is that my 3 younger sonnes should have each iii platters and all the rest my pewter should be every bit between my 6 sonnes and all my apparrel I give unto my 3 elder sonnes and all my wifes Apparrell I give unto my three youngest sonnes to bee equally divided between them.
Detail--I give and bequeath all the rest of my goods cattles & chattles my debts and legacies being payed and my body brought to the grave unto my six sonnes equally to exist divided amongst them the youngest and weakest to take equally skillful a share equally the eldest and strongest dsireing Mr Newman and my blood brother Thomas Cooper to be the supervisors of this my Testament and concluding will and I practise ordaine my son Nicholas and my son Samuell the executors of this my last volition desiring the Lord to guide theire hartes to do all according unto my intent heer sett downwardly
The last will & Testament of mee Joseph Pecke written with my own hand.

A further Amplyfication of our fathers volition upon his death bed, which was not expressed in his written will.

Particular--hee gave to his son Joseph one-half his meddow that hee purchased of Mr Bradford lying on the farther side of the new Meddow River: to his son John xxx-5 pounds of comon: to his son Samuel two hundred and fifty pounds of comon to his son Nathaniel two hundred pounds of comon. These gifts were given to them and their heirs forever moreover our father added to his daughter hubbert 10 pounds more than was sett downe in his written volition.
Item--that Nathaniel and Israell shall have equal shares of the corne that shall exist raised upon that ground which hee hath given to his son Samuel for this year ensuing they bestowing an equal share of labor with them upon the land. It was further expressed by him that seeing those oxen expressed in his will that was given to his three younger sons was disposed of earlier his death that those younge oxen and steeres that are coming on in theire romes should bee made choice of by them in manor equally followeth his son Samuel first choosing his son Israell next and Nathaniel last It was his will also that those two mares which were given to his sonnes Joseph and Israel being not extant that Joseph should accept his old mare and Israell his young mare instead of the other--further whereas our begetter gave to his sonnes Joseph five sheep and Israell ten they also being sold earlier our fathers death wee have agreed that they shall have in valuation as they were sould which was nine shillings a pieece.
This nosotros own to exist our fathers volition expressed past him unto united states when he was in his perfect memory which we owne as his proper will and desire.

In witness whereof wee take sett to our hands

Witness hiereof JOSEPH PECKE,
This will is recorded upon the old Plymouth Colony Records, Book of Wills, 2d part, Vol. 2d, Folio 12. [one]


Footnotes and citations:
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.ii 1.three 1.iv 1.5 Descendants of Joseph Peck: Joseph Peck, the Ancestor Page 13-20
  2. ↑ Focus on Hingham, Not bad Migration Newsletter, October-Dec 1998, page 29, citing MBCR ane:375.
  3. ↑ Rehoboth Ring of the Greenish Map. "Historic Bus Bout 2016: A map of the "Ring of the Green," the original town centre of Rehoboth, now located in Rumford, RI. ", Rehoboth Antiquarian Society Newsletter, March 2016, pp three-4, original image accessed 25 Oct 2018 has been removed from the internet.
  4. ↑ The Hobart Journal (Continued). New England Historical and Genealogical Register 121 (1967) page 115.
  5. ↑ kingdom Search: "Joseph Peck" 1616-1640. Norfolk. Hingham. Data: County Norfolk. Identify: Hingham. Church proper noun: St Andrew. Annals blazon: Transcript. Matrimony date: 21 May 1617. Groom forename Joseph. Groom surname PECK Bride forename Rebecka. Bride surname CLARK.
  6. ↑ Church of England Parish Registers. Norfolk Tape Office, Norwich, Norfolk, England. Image of wedlock record from Church building of England Baptism, Marriages, and Burials, 1535-1812 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, U.s.: Operations, Inc., 2016.
  7. ↑ Search: "Rebecca Peck" 1616-1638. Norfolk. Hingham. Data: Canton Norfolk. Place: Hingham. Church name: St Andrew. Register type Parish Annals. Burial date 24 Oct 1637. Burial person forename Rebecca. Burial person surname PECK. Relationship wife of Joseph PECK.
  8. ↑ Parke, Nathan. The Beginnings of Lorenzo Ackley & His Wife Emma Arabella Bosworth (The Elm Tree Press, Woodstock, Vt., 1960). Pages 121-4.
  9. ↑ Search: "Joseph Peck" 1616-1640. Norfolk. Hingham. Information: County Norfolk. Place: Hingham. Church name: St Andrew. Annals type: Transcript. Wedlock engagement: 21 May 1617. Groom forename Joseph. Groom surname PECK Bride forename Rebecka. Bride surname CLARK.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 ten.3 10.four 10.5 x.6 ten.vii Meet child'south profile for sources
  11. ↑ Search: "Rebecca Peck" 1616-1638. Norfolk. Hingham.
  12. ↑ Church of England Parish Registers. Norfolk Record Office, Norwich, Norfolk, England. Image of tape in Church building of England Baptism, Marriages, and Burials, 1535-1812 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, Usa: Operations, Inc., 2016.
  13. ↑ son Joseph Descendants of Joseph Peck: eldest son of Joseph the Ancestor, Page 29-120
  14. ↑ son John Descendants of Joseph Peck: 2nd son of Joseph the Ancestor, Page 121-129
  15. ↑ son Nicholas Descendants of Joseph Peck: 3rd son of Joseph the Ancestor, Page 131-195
  16. ↑ son Samuel Descendants of Joseph Peck: 4th son of Joseph the Ancestor, Page 197-201
  17. ↑ son Nathaniel Descendants of Joseph Peck: 5th son of Joseph the Ancestor, Page 203-243
  18. 18.0 18.1 Hubbard´south Journal, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Accessed at, from Massachusetts Vital and Boondocks Records. Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Plant (Jay and Delene Holbrook). Text: 1646. July 19, Samuel, Hannah, Israel Peck Baptized
  19. nineteen.0 xix.1 nineteen.2 Lincoln, History of the Boondocks of Hingham, Massachusetts, Vol. two, page 108
  20. ↑ son Israel Descendants of Joseph Peck: 6th son of Joseph the Antecedent, Page 245-259
  21. ↑ Search Simon Peck 1616-1640 Norfolk, Hingham.
  22. ↑ The Hobart Journal (Continued). New England Historical and Genealogical Register 121 (1967) page 115.
Source list:
  • Anderson, Robert C. The Not bad Migration Newsletter. Boston, MA: Great Migration Report Project, 1990- .)
  • Lincoln, George. History of the Town of Hingham, Massachusetts. Town of Hingham, 1893. Book 2
  • Parke, Nathan. The Ancestry of Lorenzo Ackley & His Wife Emma Arabella Bosworth (Elm Tree Press, Woodstock, Vt., 1960)
  • Peck, Ira B. A Genealogical History of the Descendants of Joseph Peck (Alfred Mudge & Son, Boston, 1868) Page 29
  • Peck, S. Allyn, and Frederick Stanhope Peck. "The English Ancestry of Joseph Peck, of Hingham, Mass., in 1638." New England Historical and Genealogical Register, (1931, 1936-1937). Vol 89, p 327-39. View with NEHGS Membership. vols 90-91.
  • "Plymouth Colony Wills and Inventories." The Mayflower Descendant (Massachusetts Order of Mayflower Descendants, Boston) Page 236 (Joseph Peck's Will)
Meet besides:
  • Threlfall, John B. 50 Great Migration Colonists to New England and Their Origins Madison, Wisconsin, 1990. Pages 291-2.View on FamilySearch (get to online pg 297).
  • Daniel Cushing's Record, The New England Historical & Genealogical Register (NEHGS, Boston, Mass., 1881) Vol 15 Page 26.
  • Bicknell, Thomas Williams, The history of the land of Rhode Isle and Providence Plantations,1920 Vol. 4 Page three
  • History of the land of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations: Biographical, NY: The American Historical Social club, Inc. 1920, p. 387-389.
  • Descendants of 124 Colonial Settlers, located at: (archived page from 21 January 2009)
  • Find A Grave: Memorial #235793938. Memorial page for Joseph Peck (22 Apr 1587–23 Dec 1663) Newman Cemetery, East Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island, Us [No photo].
  • Shurtleff, Nathaniel. Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England (William White, Boston, 1853) Vol ane, Page 375 (Freemanship]
  • Torrey, Clarence Almon. The Clark and Cooper Families of Hingham, England. The American Genealogist (The American Genealogist, Barrington, RI, 1936) Vol 13, Page 153. View with NEHGS Membership.


Thank you to Robert Stafford for creating WikiTree profile Peck-1575 through the import of Full.ged on Mar iii, 2013.

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